With a great bit of time between Day One and Day Two, I have come to understand a great deal about myself and have decided to expand the scope of this blog to include other artistic ventures by myself (and possibly my significant other, should he wish to participate).
I am currently working on more book notes, and awaiting my first shipment of art supplies. Consisting mostly of paper and ink, I will be rekindling my study of calligraphy--specifically that of the Middle Ages--and hoping to one day work into a fully realized style of both calligraphy and illumination.
At this point only the book and pen set have shipped and will probably not be available to me until a few weeks from now. I need to gather a few things for practice, but absolutely refuse to use the pre-lined calligraphy paper. I have realized that, as a left-handed person, the slant is meant for a right-handed user. I have always found that the slant is a bit too artificial for me and while useful for contemporary calligraphers, the medieval clerk wrote vertically, not slanted. This, of course, seems to fit my personal style of writing well, and I will continue to use this.
That being said, I need to do a lot more research on 15th and 16th century calligraphy to find what style I most want to learn. That will take a good bit of searching online and seeing what has been scanned to galleries around the internet.